These are the people that help lead our company and our customers to success every day. Lanham employees are empowered to do their jobs and take care of our customers’ needs. We all work toward the same goals. We cover for each other and support each other, so we can best support you.

Every customer is important to all of us.

Executive Leadership Team

Blake Blythe

(since 1998)

Chris Hardsaw

Sales Manager
(since 2000)

David Schmelzer

Executive Vice President
(since 1998)

Home Office Support Team

Stefani Thompson

Accounts Receivables
Louisville (since 2017)

Joyce Davis

Credit Manager
Louisville (since 2006)

Matt Fogarty

Louisville (since 2013)

Russ Redmon

Service Technician
Louisville (since 2017)

Jessica Smallwood

Accounts Payable
Louisville (since 2008)

Pat Wathen

Louisville (since 2005)

The coolest IT Guy
Will Taylor

IT Manager (2022-current)
Customer Service (2017-2022)

Operations Management Team

Brandon Bembenic

Operations Manager
Columbus (since 2023)

Tony Cox

Operations Manager
Indianapolis (since 2005)

Kyle Liebrecht

Operations Manager
Cincinnati (since 2015)

David Pearce

Operations Manager
Louisville (since 1987)

Outside Sales Team

Chris Hellmann

Outside Sales
Louisville (since 2008)

Eric Henage

Outside Sales
Cincinnati (since 2001)

Jason Henage

Outside Sales
Louisville (since 2001)

Tony Robinson

Outside Sales
Indianapolis (since 2012)

Brandon Sherman

Outside Sales
Columbus (since 2018)